"A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle" - Father James Keller

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Brainpicking with Jennifer Campbell II

Hey, it's me again! I'm back with the conclusion of my interview with Jennifer Campbell. Today we're going to be talking about writing routines and a bit of everything else. So enjoy and I thank Kiki once more for inviting us. I've had a blast posting here this week.

Dakota: When you write do you have a certain routine or ritual you use? (a favorite place to write?)

Jennifer: I'm with my laptop but it could be anyplace in the house but perhaps the living room couch is my favorite place. It's usually quiet, as Jack is secluded in his office behind those thick oak doors, but I don't find noise to be a terrible distraction so sometimes I put on music. My head has to be into the story with the wheels grinding, which is why writing tired is impossible for me.

Dakota: Ah, to have peace and quiet would be a luxury. One that I just can't afford. But I can agree when I'm exhausted I can't focus enough to write. My characters would end up doing stuff that's completely out of whack if I tried. Speaking of characters,
what characteristics do you look for in your female characters? Feisty or submissive, or both?

Jennifer: There needs to be a little of both to be a good sub character. My heroines are usually unaware of their submissive tendencies in the beginning, and their submission is by force. They are initially scared and shocked, but then realize they like how they are treated. The main theme being that our society teaches that women shouldn't like to submit, or be enslaved, but some do and once they discover that their submission blossoms.

Dakota: Sounds like you know your stuff inside and out. That leads me to ask,
have you ever thought of writing any other genre besides BDSM?

Jennifer: Thought of it, yes, and I believe someday I will, but I'm a very sexual person and it seems the stories of my submission and fantasies have to get out first because right now I can't seem to sit still for non-sexual stories. I'm assuming eventually I'll get them out and then I'll write something different, perhaps even sweet, if you can believe that.

Dakota: I'm sure you'll be able to and I do look forward to reading it, you're a very talented author. By the way, what does your family think of having an author in their midst?

Jennifer: An interesting question, Mother tolerates both my lifestyle and my writing, but clearly doesn't like either. Dad I think is a closet admirer of my writing but would not say it in front of Mom. My sister thinks I'm nuts, but she's so tied up in her failing marriage and three kids we seldom see each other. As for friends I've had old girlfriends from college call me and say "you go girl", but one wanted me to be her Mistress, go figure.

Dakota: I bet that was an eye opener for you. And last question, what is next on your busy agenda? Another trip to Ranexx or perhaps another adventure for Jennifer and the Mansion crew? Or something all together new?

Jennifer: All of those. Book 3 of Ranexx, Juliana's Dream is out in June and Book 4 of Ranexx Saturnia In Peril is in final drafts, On April 27th, my blog formerly at My Space will move to my website http://www.jennifercampbell.webs.com with a new Femdom story. This is a new interest of mine and I'll be exploring it. The fourth novel of the Mansion Series is in the planning stages and will become worldwide in scope as Jennifer explores her relationship with Lionel Aldridge.

Thank you Jennifer, for letting me peak inside your head this week. I've enjoyed this immensely.

Thanks for joining us today and feel free to comment or ask any questions you'd like.

For more information if you can't wait til Thursday's post, Jen can be found on these sites.

Jennifer Campbell's Website
Jennifer's Author Page
Jennifer's Myspace Page

I can be found at these sites:

Dakota's Website
Dakota's Author Page
Dakota's Myspace Page

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