"A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle" - Father James Keller

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday May 6

Who inspires you most to be better than you are?


"Going to go with those who hug me daily - my husband and my boys. One way my children inspire me is being a constant reminder that my actions will inspire or uninspire them.  When I got my first publishing contract, after all of the yelling and crying was over, I thought what a privilege to be an example of how dreams can come true for my children!"

Kiki Howell



"The ones who think I'm special right now. They make me want to work hard to prove them right."

Jane E Jones



“A small, impish princess with a smile as bright as the sun and an infectious giggle.  She is my most cherished surprise, my joy, my daughter.” 

Molly Wens 


 "My grandchildren. Despite what their parents sometimes think, they are little angels who constantly allow me to see the world through fresh point of view. If I could only be the person they think I am!"

 Anne Kane



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