"A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle" - Father James Keller

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Interview with Vogue

Kiki: What is your favorite genre to read in, and what is it about that genre that attracts you to it? If you like a specific mix of genres, please state that particular combination.

My all-time favorite genre is street lit otherwise known as urban fiction. I fell in love with this genre when I first read The Coldest Winter Ever by Sistah Souljah. As a self-proclaimed “Cosby kid,” the characters and plot of stories like The Coldest Winter Ever gave me the chance to witness a grittier side of the world without actually having to live it. Although, there were some situations that I can not relate to in some novels, as a young female, the book inspired me. It taught me that life is not always glitter and glamour, but is solely what you make it. Your life may have started in the gutter, but it does not have to end there. 

Kiki: What is your favorite author to read in that genre, and why? Also, please tell me a little about the best book by that author you have read.

My favorite author is actually a writing duo, Ashley and Jaquavis. They are signed to Urban Books and have written a series of novels together: Dirty Money, Diary of a Street Diva, The Trophy Wife, The Cartel trilogy, and Supreme Clientele to name a few. The best novel that I read by them is The Cartel. This book follows the lives of the Diamond family who are the forefront of The Cartel, a drug organization based in Miami, Florida. When the ringleader, Carter Diamond is murdered, his illegitimate son, Carter Jones, comes to town, and begins to take over the organization.

Meanwhile, Miamor, who is head of the Murder Mamas, is hired to take down The Cartel. Unknowingly at first, she meets Carter Jones, falling in love with him. When she learns who he is, she must choose between her loyalty to the Murder Mamas and her love for Carter.

Kiki: Do you have a Favorite Book of All Time? Of course, please tell us what about that book makes it your favorite.

My favorite book of all time is E.A.R.L: The Autobiography of DMX.  I will try not to be bias since I am a fan of the rapper’s music. I fell in love with this book because it gave you a glimpse into the harsh reality of child abuse. The novel is definitely a rags to riches story. It is also told in the first person, which allows you to be more drawn to the story. I have read this book probably more than two hundred times, literally.

Kiki: What is the best book you read last month, and would you recommend it to a friend?

The best book that I read last month was The First Person by Peron Long. I have recommended this book to a lot of people. What I enjoy about the book is that it has such a dramatic beginning, which automatically catches your attention. After the first couple of sentences in the first chapter, my first thought was…”What else can possibly happen?” Long definitely keeps you interested with the characters. I read this book in less than 8 hours.

Kiki: What are your reading habits like? For example, how many books do you read on average in a week, what format do you prefer to read in, what time of day do you read, and what setting is ideal for you to get lost in that book?

Since posting the cover of my novel on Facebook, I have about two hundred new friends who are authors. Whereas, I would read one book a month, I am now reading about one every week. I prefer to have a physical book in my hands when I read, but before I buy a book, I like to read an excerpt, see the cover, etc. I don’t mind reading excerpts online, but to me, it is easier to read a book when it is in your hands. There is not a set time that I read due to my evolving schedule. If a book catches my attention, then I am going to read it wherever I am. I’ve read books at the Laundromat, McDonald’s, in the car, etc. A good book goes where you go!

Kiki: If pressed, could you choose a favorite from the books you have written? Why is it your favorite?

The hard part about having a book series is that some of the books are not published. I do no want to give away anything, but I will say that Book Nine of The Diamond Collection (Diamond Princess) is my favorite. The reason being, it is hip-hop fiction. The story is told somewhat through rhyme, which allowed me to show off my lyrical skills. It was actually much harder to write because of that. Most of my novels are geared towards a female audience, but I think that males will enjoy this novel because of the lyrical content. It’s definitely a novel for anyone who loves hip-hop. 

Kiki: How do you become inspired to write?

To be honest, almost anything inspires me. It could be a conversation with another individual, a song, or even a music video. Most recently, I was inspired by a music video. It was Drake’s, “Find Your Love,” to be exact. It inspired me to possibly change the setting of a book I am rewriting/editing to either the Bahamas or Jamaica. This book is actually Diamonds N’ Roses, which is the fifth book in the Diamond Collection.

Kiki: What part of the story do you think is your strength to write?

Well, in all honesty, there is not a specific part, but my favorite part of the story to write is the end. Not because the book is finally finished, but because it is the part that is going to leave the reader wanting more. When the reader finishes that last sentence, you want them to be pleased with the story, but also looking forward to your next work.  

Kiki: Please share with ABA readers something I did not think to ask you about.

Aside from being an author, I maintain a daily blog, which is featured at my official website, www.simplyvogue.net. Although the blog focuses on my publishing career, it also features tidbits on celebrity gossip and entertainment. 

Author. Blogger. Dreamer.

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In accordance with the new FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kiki Howell of An Author's Musings, would like to advise that in addition to purchasing my own books to review, I also receive books, and/or promotional materials, free of charge in return for an honest review, as do any guest reviewers.