"A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle" - Father James Keller

Friday, February 12, 2010

April Dawn – An Interview By Ava Delany

Do you have any deep dark secrets to share?

Let’s see? I used to carry size DDD and larger bras out of the store with me when I was two. My mother always said I was trying to prepare for my future. lol

What gets you hot to write?
I am inspired by my own curiosity and the stories I read. When I’m reading, I tend to ask myself what if this happened instead, or what if this happened to this type of character. Bound By Love is a bit of an homage to the old second hand books I used to read as a girl. The question was, what would happen if the pirate/privateer that the woman fell for were arrested? And what if she were to be arrested too?
When I got a little older and started reading more current romance novels that I could check out at the local library, I discovered that romance novels had changed. They’d become tamer. From this time period, the crush story was an instant favorite for me, but I always wondered what would happen if the woman already had suitors, richer and more powerful suitors. (The other question which inspired this story I can’t tell because it would give too much away.) Anyhow, Crushing Desire came from this inspiration.
When drawing room romances became more popular, I found myself missing the adventure of early romance, but I loved the humor and wit that replaced it. In my opinion, all these ingredients make the recipe for a great romance novel. Because of this, I endeavor to pepper each of my novels with a little humor, a little wit, and some adventurous fun. I hope I will be able to do that for every novel I create, and hopefully all my readers will enjoy my recipe for great romance as much as I do.

What part of writing to you enjoy most?
I love it when I’m in that fevered state when writing begins. When the characters are in such a hurry to tell their story that your fingers almost can’t keep up. I love that. Some of my best writing comes from that time.

Were you fit to scream when you got published?
When I got my first email accepting me for publication, I sat there with my mouth open pointing at the screen saying “Oh my gosh!” over and over. Finally, after about a minute, my husband figured out what I was freaking out about. :-D Then I proceeded to call everyone who knew I was submitting and give them all the details.

What fabulous tales do you have available to readers?
I have two late 18th century historical romance novels coming out soon. Bound By Love (Jan 29, 2009) http://www.breathlesspress.com/erotic/bound-by-love.html and Crushing Desire (Feb 12, 2009) http://www.breathlesspress.com/erotic/crushing-desire.html You can read more about these novels at http://aprildawnbooks.com

Where can fans find your playground?
Breathless Press http://breathlesspress.com is publishing my current novels.

What hot little tidbits do you have in the works?
I have a number of works in progress. The closest to publication is The Piratess, which I hope to have ready for submission in a months or two.

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