"A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle" - Father James Keller

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Review, Book Info & Excerpt for Jennifer Labelle’s Broken Survivor Blog Tour

My Review of Jennifer Labelle’s Broken Survivor

This story should come with a box of tissues tucked into the cover for both the sad and the happy tears. It kept me up late at night to continue to read, to agonize with Holly and to hope with her. What better compliment can one give a story than to say how pulled into it you were, how immersed you became that in the end reading the story inspired you to fight harder, to live fuller, and to strive to better myself.

This is a story about survival. Period. Yes there is struggle and romance and all sorts of other things, but overall, the overriding story is about how a woman overcame more than most of us can even fathom. It will move you to tears and force you to smile in between bouts of anger at the injustices of the world. I can only equate reading this story to reading stories about war. Having no point of reference to what happened to the main character is my luxury. So, I felt what I could of Holly’s unimaginable pain, knowing I would never fully know what she went through. Still, this story rang with such a brutal truth, told in such a fashion that I could identify as much as I could, sympathize, and cry right along with Holly as she suffered and celebrate with her when she triumphed against unbelievable odds.

Holly was a fully fleshed out character, and though her eyes, thanks to many little details, a reader gets to know her and those around her from her mother and her big sister to the man who gave her life only to hurt her in many ways and the man who loved her enough to help her survive it all. The plot was complete, a true hero’s journey with so many twists and turns that you can’t imagine how Holly went on. Hence the perfect title, Broken Survivor.

This author is amazing. I’m no stranger to Jennifer Labelle’s work, have enjoyed her stories in the past, but with this story she has more than outdone herself. The tale touched me again and again, amazed me, and left me breathless at both the good and the bad events in Holly’s life. And Zander, well let me just say I wanted to pull him from the pages of the book to give him a huge hug more than once. Honestly I could go on and on, but I don’t want to give too much away, so let me just end by saying that if I could I’d give it more than just five stars. 

Broken Survivor
Jennifer Labelle

Holly Hewitt is a survivor…
After witnessing her mother’s murder, Hollywas returned to her abusive father. Resorting to drugs and alcohol, she ends uplanding herself in foster care, where she is separated from her sister andutterly alone.

Zander Harrison is the light to her darkness…
Zander is young, athletic, and carefree, withthe support of a loving family. But when Holly is placed in foster care withhis brother’s in-laws, she turns his world upside down.
He’s driven to protect her, and to show herthe past has made her strong, life is worth living, and love is worth fightingfor. If only he can convince her to trust him and stop resisting their mutualattraction.
Butsometimes even love isn’t enough to heal a shattered soul.
And allthe hard work in the world can’t save…
A brokensurvivor.
Jennifer Labelle resides in Canada with herhusband and three beautiful children. After her third child she became a stayat home mom. In her busy household Jennifer likes to spend her down timeengrossed in the stories that she creates. She is an active reader of romance,mystery and anything paranormal. With an education in Addictions work she'sdecided to take a less stressful approach in life and hopes that you enjoy, asshe shares some of her imagination with all of you.


Pink and orange hues filled the sky with a warm beauty while the sun set. Holly wrapped her arms around herself and lifted her face toward the sky to soak in the last few moments of the sun before the chill of the night descended upon them. This was definitely not going to be an easy talk to get through. She just hoped they’d both be okay when it was done.  Zander stepped up behind her, and she felt the heat of his body before he wrapped his arms around her from behind. The way she was drawn to him made her wonder if he had a magnetic pull,and it kind of scared her a little bit. Holly tried to enjoy the view as they were silent for a few moments.

“As much as I hate to let go, I think maybe we should sit so we can finally talk,” Zander said.

She hesitated a moment before taking his hand while they walked back to his house and sat beside each other on the patio. This is it.

“First, I want to clear up earlier,” Zander said. “She was just a friend, nothing more. She has only ever been a friend.”He lifted their linked hands and kissed the top of hers.

“This isn’t any of my business, but does she realize that? I got the impression there was much more than a friendship there.” Holly held her breath and didn’t exhale until after he answered her.

“Not for a really long time, and we were never a couple.” His posture slumped. “Before today, I hadn’t heard from her in months. She just showed up out of the blue, but I swear nothing happened.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Holly shifted to face him. “So you and she were friends with benefits a while ago. I have to admit I didn’t like seeing you with her, but I don’t have any right to be mad.We’re taking things slow, remember?”

“That’s just the thing. I want to be with you,Hol. As in, I’d be staking my claim. You’d be my girlfriend, exclusive.”

“I’m actually kind of glad you said that. I’ve recently figured out that I’m not made for casual.” She bit her lip nervously.“I don’t even care about your friend anymore because I sort of have some huge news, which throws going slow out the window anyway. That is, if you don’t freak out and feel like you want nothing to do with me after this.”

“Okay, now you’re making me nervous,” he joked nervously and playfully nudged her with his shoulder. “What’s up?”

“You probably should be.” Holly smiled weakly and then exhaled long and hard. “I didn’t want a relationship when you came into the picture, and I didn’t want to care for someone so much. But then there you were all sweet, caring, and persistent and screwed up my original plans. So let’s get that out there.” She smiled and leaned into him. Her head lay on his shoulder and she looked up at him needing to be close. “That’s the best part bythe way because I’m glad I’ve let you in. I care for you a lot. I’ve messed up,though. We both have. Do you remember the night at my sister’s?”

“How could I forget?” His eyes lit up and she snorted.

“It was a good night, huh?” She licked her lips just thinking about it. “Well, I haven’t been feeling like myself lately,so Lauren decided to take me to get a checkup…”

“O-okay, you were sick and…?” Zander’s brows scrunched together in confusion, but as if he sensed her discomfort, he gave her a quick reprieve to pull herself together before she had to spit out the big news. He captured her mouth. His soft, plump lips caressed hers, then he moved to nip and suck on her bottom lip. His tongue coaxed her mouth open farther, and she tasted his mutual arousal as he probed the slit of her mouth with his tongue. One of her hands fisted in his shirt and held him closer,while the other massaged his nape and into his hair. They both moaned in the heat of the moment, and she could feel his chest rise and fall more rapidly before he pulled away.

“God, I’ve missed this,” he said. “You get sick again and I’m coming over with some chicken soup and taking care of you.

“That sounds amazing.” She smirked. “I’ve missed you too.” Holly shifted so that she was facing him now and rested her forehead against his while they caught their breath.

“Don’t go home yet. Call Lauren and let’s recreate that night.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

“You are such a goofball. As tempting as that sounds, I need to finish what I was saying before you distract me too much.”She gave him a quick peck on the lips and leaned back.

“But the distraction is so good. I can’t help myself.” He lifted a sexy, dark eyebrow in question. “Can we fool around a bit while you talk? I’m a great multitasker.”

“I’ll tell you what, if after I tell you everything I need to, you still want to fool around or more, then yes, we’ll go inside your place and I’ll make it worth your while.” She wiggled her brows back at him and smiled as she caressed the side of his face. I just hope I don’t ruin things first.

“Lauren might not be too happy if she finds out the truth.”

“Really?” He looked at her in shock. “I find that hard to believe after her and Shelby practically pushed us together.” He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “Remind me to thank them for that one day.”

“I really hope you still feel that way after you hear what I have to say.”

“Quit stalling and just tell me already.”

“So you know I haven’t been feeling well lately, but what you don’t know is why she’s been on my case. She had some concerns that drove her to take me to the doctor in the first place.” She leaned way back in her chair and closed her eyes.

“Is she still hung up about the new apartment?”

“In a way, I guess, but right now what’s bothering her is her assumption that I might be pregnant.” 

She peeked in his direction to gauge his reaction.

He stiffened a bit on the seat next to her andsat straighter. “Wait, what?”


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Promo Post with Interview: The Para-Portage of Emily by Muffy Wilson

The Para-Portage of Emily
The Shadow Seduction Series
Muffy Wilson

Emily Macque, a young, beautiful junior partner in her father’s law firm, is but a heartbeat away from love or destiny. Duty brings Emily to a frozen Island estate two hundred and fifty miles north of Chicago. Devotion requires she delve into the property history to settle an estate probate. Death lures her into the arms of the shadows seduction created by the flickering light and dark shadows.

What flames the timeless passions spanning the decades? Love, desire or obsession?

Colin Jorgenson, once a Great Lakes mariner, is a strong man haunted by love and loss. How long will he return each night, gripped by desire, hoping to find the woman he has loved for a century?

Beneath the pristine Island beauty, passions hungered, lingered in the ardent darkness. His passions, fueled by decades of loneliness and longing, could no longer be denied. Will they face eternity together or love in secret as dark things are to be loved between the shadows and the soul?

I just finished The Para-Portage of Emily. Quite the page-turner!! 
I was gifted a free copy by the author and found it to be a cleverly woven plot with descriptive characters you won’t soon forget. I’m not one to give out spoilers, 
but if you like paranormal intrigue, hot romance, and mystery, you will love it. Looking forward to more works by Muffy Wilson as I’m sure they will be just as brilliant. 


“Tell me what you know about Mariner’s Maiden please, Kirby.”
Kirby took a long draw on his beer before he began his narrative.
“It was years ago, around 1800 Miss Emily, when the original land owner arrived on the Island with settlers from Norway. He’d claimed five hundred acres on this southern point of the Island for himself. He became wealthy in cattle, wheat, timber and cheese. As his family grew and were educated on the Mainland, they moved, one by one, off Island. They were a wealthy, hard-working lot, but needed less and less of the acreage they owned. Much of the original plot was donated to the Town throughout the years. Some sections were sold.
“It got down to the last hundred acres when Colin Jorgenson bought the property, around 1890 or 1900. I am not exactly sure. The main house was much smaller and less grand than it is now, for sure.
“Now, Colin was a Maritime Captain and often he’d be gone for months at a time. He sailed the Great Lakes several times a year with supplies, spices, fancy goods and ‘fortunes of bounty’. That’s what they called it then. It was for sale to rich settlers throughout the Great Lakes. He’d earned all his wealth in trading by the turn of the century. He came and went for several years until, in his mid-thirties, he met and married a much younger woman, Amalya, and came back to the Island with her.”
Kirby sat back, drained his beer and continued. “The property was called Mariner’s Cove then. He spent two years with Island tradesmen rebuilding this house for his wife. To honor her, and before his return to the water, he commissioned a maritime woodcarver to create the figurehead of Amalya you saw yesterday on the tree marking the entrance.
He had the figure of Amalya mounted on the bow of his ship and apparently felt she was always with him in his travels. She died one summer, pregnant with their first child, shortly after his returning from his last trip of the season. He shut himself away in this house—a broken man, left forlorn and alone, to die years later of a broken heart as a recluse. It’s said he returns night after night trying to find his Amalya, his beloved.”
“But that’s just old folklore, Miss Emily, there’s nothing to it but made up stories from the past by gossips and romantics. This place has never been haunted—no one has ever said it was, anyway. Even though he was long dead, this property was held in Old Colin’s estate until your uncle bought it around 1955, I think. I suppose there is more you can find out at the Archives office in the Island library at the town offices, if you want. That’s about all I know and it ain’t much.”
Refusing a second beer, Kirby was off to finish his chores. “Thank you, Miss Emily,” Kirby said as he stood to leave.
Emily walked him to the door with Barkley in tow.
“Oh, there is one more thing” he added. “There is supposed to be a crypt on the property somewhere. I heard tell that Old Colin buried his Amalya in there and when he was dying, he crawled into it to die on her casket. Creepy, but no one’s ever found it to my knowledge—and between me and my dad, we’ve covered this property as caretakers for over fifty years.”
Emily extended her hand in gratitude for the information and company. “Thank you, Kirby. All of that is so very interesting. He must have been deeply in love with Amalya.”
Kirby, a middle-aged man, stood and shook Emily’s hand. He turned to leave, stopped and dropped his head as he hesitated at the bottom of the steps. A simple country man, this time was no different.
“Miss Emily…” He looked up at her rather sheepishly, and stuttered slightly, “Forgive me, Miss Emily, if I offend you. I have been a bachelor all my life and never had a way with women or much of a need for them. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I like ‘em well enough, but I never was able to pick the right words in their presence. If…if you don’t mind my saying…you look an awful lot like those paintings in the house of Miss Amalya.”
“Oh my word, Kirby, how you flatter me! It is purely a coincidence, I assure you.” Emily smiled, as she dismissed the compliment and waved good-bye at Kirby. As he left, she thought about the love shared between these two remarkable people, Colin and Amalya. Amalya and Colin.
She had forgotten to ask what became of the baby…

This is a story to savor. Ms. Wilson's descriptions are poetic and enthralling, 
placing the reader in the midst of the story, and the relaxed pace of the story does not lessen the power of suspense. Shrouded in mystery, romance, and eroticism, "The Para-Portage of Emily" is a treat for the senses, 
a haunting indulgence. Despite hints throughout, the ending still surprised me, and though satisfied, 
I regretted the literary journey's end. Highly recommended. I look forward to more from this promising series. ~ By Jordan Stringfellow

Author Bio and Links:
Muffy, author of erotic, romantic stories about love, sex, hope and passion, was born in San Antonio, Texas, to traditional parents. With two older brothers, she was the youngest, the family "princess," indulged and pampered. She adored her older brothers, following them everywhere and was surrounded by love, stimulation, and pets. Her father was a career Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force which required the family to travel extensively. The family lived in most points between Alaska and France. Muffy spent her formative years in Europe and came of age in France.
Returning from France with her family, Muffy finished high school in Northern California and attended the University of California, Davis, and majored in Business Management. Muffy entered the work force, independent with a fierce work ethic, and retired at 39 from IBM as a Mid-West Regional Director in the Real Estate and Construction Division. She and her husband moved to a small Island in northern Wisconsin where they owned a historic tavern, restaurant and resort business which they since have sold. They now live a charmed life by the water in SW Florida. Muffy pretends to be a serious real estate business person but, in real life, indulges her private interest in writing sexy short stories and sensual literotica ~ Live, Laugh, Love with Passion.

                                             I really enjoyed the Para-Portage of Emily
I really enjoyed the Para-Portage of Emily... a skillfully and imaginatively told tale of love, lost and found. Mysterious twists kept me turning the pages until the end. 
Love conquers all, AND it was hot! 

Author Links 

Previously Published:
Secret Cravings, Oysters & Chocolate, Decadent Publishing, Ravenous Romance, Yellow Silk Dreams

Coming Soon:
Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences ~ TBA Spring 2015
Cheerleaders in Heat ~ TBA Summer 2015

Should John Grisham and EL James have a secret love child, she would no doubt pen legal thrillers with a luscious layer of the erotic. They would name their child Muffy Wilson and send her to Stephen King for some pointers in the paranormal.
Wilson, in the obliquely titled "The Para-Portage of Emily", interweaves these three diverse genres into a compelling, magic carpet of a novel that takes Emily Macque from Chicago to a bitter island estate two hundred miles north in the frozen sea. Emily is the striking junior partner in her father’s law firm, her mission, to settle the probate on an estate, her destiny to fall into the arms of Colin Jorgenson, a seaman haunted by a past love that torments his life.
Intelligent, well-written, with fully fleshed out characters and a story with more twists than a spiral staircase, "The Para-Portage of Emily" had me gripped until the very last page. 
~ By Chloe

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Live ~ Laugh ~ Love
with Passion

 Interview with Muffy Wilson ~ May 2015

Could you reveal any personal juicy stories about you?  
Thank you, so much, for opening your cyber-home to me. It is a pleasure to be here with you, my dear friend. Well, I was raised in a military family so there are plenty of stories about men in uniform. Who doesn’t love that?! My father was a USAF Colonel whose work took us to all points from Alaska to France. We moved every two or three years, so I don’t have what most would refer to as a traditional childhood, more like Leave it to Beaver meets the Jetsons.  Many of my ‘firsts’ were in France as my formative years developing were north of Paris. So, my first kiss, my first taste of escargot, my first hot dog on a French baguette was at the top of the Eiffel Tower, my first bikini (I was thirteen) was on the French Riviera and I fell in love with a thirty-something lifeguard named Aldo. I thought my father was going straight to an early grave. My mother thought it charming and funny since I wound up looking like a blistered, crying lobster with the worst sunburn ever. No need to worry about Aldo. A few years later, my mother and I were shopping in Paris; it was the day she bought me an alligator handbag, a small one, with a bright red leather interior. I still have it. We were on the Champs Elysees on a corner and everyone was wailing and crying. It was 22 November 1963 and I was 14 years old. It was the day John F Kennedy was assassinated and I witnessed as the world was crushed and Camelot fell. I think I grew up a lot that day. We had to hurry home, 90 miles north. The Base was on lock-down and red alert. It was a day the world stood still yet was fiercely frantic beneath the surface.

You are a mother. Could you tell us about your role as a Mom?

I met my husband in California, on a day that I was none too happy with men. I was thirty-five and working in San Francisco as a Sales Manager for Honeywell and my father had a heart attack in Georgia.  I wanted to explore the possibilities of transferring to Georgia to be closer to the first man I ever loved, my dad. “The Silver Fox,” as my boss at the time was fond of being called, made a pass at me and told me ‘why bother, as my dad wasn’t going to live forever?’ I was stunned and profoundly moved by a myriad of feelings. Funny that I should meet the two most important men in my life from that day forward on a day like that - my husband and his youngest son, then 13. It was the greatest gift. We got married three months later and the three of us honeymooned in Niagara Falls. My husband is from Buffalo, NY, and had been married twice before (his first wife died and the second, VJr’s mother ended in divorce when he was just 6). I had never been married, so they were my first. When I was very young, and in college, I fell in love and got pregnant. He was my first, not my first love but my first lover, and for all my worldly experience, I was still pretty naïve - even in the ‘70s. Clearly, there is a whole lot more to this story but suffice it to say that decisions you make in your youth affect one’s entire life. I had an abortion and dropped out of college. The gift of my husband and his son, who fast became my own son, I felt, was God’s way of forgiving me. So, my role as a Mom is one I cherish, given it was my second chance and my redemption. Life has been good to me because of them. He has enriched my life beyond measure.

You have a very long list of projects consuming your time, but I would like to offer you the chance to show off and promote your writing career. You may include any exotic stories of your life if you wish.

I released The Para-Portage of Emily on March 24, 2015 to a warm reception and wonderful reviews. It was released in ebook format and will be released in print in June. I have two more books that will be released by Summer 2015. If I am lucky, they will all be available at once and cause a wonderful stir among fans of literotica. Beyond that, I have a control list of about fifteen projects which will be concluded throughout 2015-16 and 25-30 projects that will require my attention for 2016-17. Only another Virgo will appreciate how organized I am about my work. Some refer to it as being obsessive compulsive—anal, even. I can role with that.

When did you decide to write? And what genre and style did you prefer when you first started? What style and genre do you prefer to write currently?

I have been in sales and marketing my entire business career. Writing was a necessity and I was good at presenting technical detail. English was always a love and focus of mine throughout my education, but I only wrote proposals, presentations, technical material and project material. In private I wrote poetry as a developing young woman. I really never thought about writing personally’ until I met up with an old school chum, an old boyfriend. It was never a calling to me as it is for some writers. He wrote and it spurred me on. I slipped into the world of Erotica, not by choice or design, but quite by accident…and I loved it. Turns out I was pretty good at it, too, or so people commented. But, my style has changed, developed a lot since then. What I wrote in the beginning was raw and erotic. Now, I like to think I am more of a literoticist in that I write erotic romance. The plot drives the story, the story drives the characters and the erotic romance is really an extension of the developing relationships. I don’t write groin-grinders, although they have a place in our genre.

What genre, books, and authors do you like to read?

I love crime, thrillers, edge-of-your-seat whodunits. I also love period pieces, non-fiction, poetry and autobiographies. When I was very young and we lived in France, there was no television, at least not in English or in our house. The only television available to us was in the local pub. I will never forget seeing Steve McQueen say, “Sur la route”, in French on his Wanted! Dead or Alive series! I believe I giggled until I had cramps! Anyway, I read everything, absolutely everything almost insatiably. I wanted to be a criminologist or a medical examiner. Or a veterinarian. As well an actress and Ella Fitzgerald! It was not until I was in high school that I wanted to become a law enforcement officer—a Homicide Detective! But, I do love to read good literotica. I am not a fan of jump-and-pump but a love story with great, eloquently involved sex is a real page turner for me.

4.    Do you have a person, real or fantasy, you would like to be?

Barbra Streisand. I always wanted to sing. My aunt sang torch songs and played piano in smoke filled supper clubs and piano bars. Isn‘t that romantic, a la Billie Holiday? I always wanted to do that. When I was ten or so, I was a little pudgette and my mother wanted to send be to dance classes; I wanted singing lessons. We settled on a set of bongo drums. Many years later, we were out schmoozing together at a piano bar and I took the mike with My Funny Valentine. Now, I just sounded like me, but she dropped her jaw. It took her four more martini’s to recover. She admitted I should have had singing lessons. We laughed our asses off, but of course, that was the four more martini’s!

You have experienced many adventures in your life and have lots of energy, but what would you like to do if you had any free time?

I would love to learn to play piano, learn Spanish and brush up on my French. But I am enjoying my life now. I work in Real Estate in SW Florida and try to find time to straighten my office. There’s that Virgo nag again.

Could you tell us about your new book, The Para-Portage of Emily, and the story behind it? You may include a brief synopsis and an excerpt. What or who inspired you to write your story?

My first book, Memories & Kisses, released last year in September 2014. It was about love lost and regained decades later. Do you have memories of a love that once was?...of a love that was lost?...of, perhaps, a rekindled love that survived decades of longing? I think we all have longings, not regrets so much as just simple, what if’s? and that caused me to think in terms of a stronger longing not over decades but centuries. I started Emily in 2010, but I really did not know where she was going to take me until I really got into Memories. Within a month, Emily was done.

It is a haunting love story about a Great Lakes seafaring captain that marries finally in his thirties to the daughter of one of his suppliers on the St. Lawrence Seaway whom he has watched blossom and grow into a beautiful woman since she was very young. He marries her and starts a life he has planned with her on a small Island in Lake Michigan at his estate, Mariner’s Maiden. The story is as much about them as it is about the young woman who comes to settle her uncle’s estate, Mariner’s Maiden, after his death. I love this story.

Emily Macque, a young, beautiful junior partner in her father’s law firm, is but a heartbeat away from love or destiny. Duty brings Emily to a frozen Island estate two hundred and fifty miles north of Chicago. Devotion requires she delve into the property history to settle an estate probate. Death lures her into the arms of the shadows seduction created by the flickering light and dark shadows.

What flames the timeless passions spanning the decades? Love, desire or obsession?

Colin Jorgenson, once a Great Lakes mariner, is a strong man haunted by love and loss. How long will he return each night, gripped by desire, hoping to find the woman he has loved for a century?

Beneath the pristine Island beauty, passions hungered, lingered in the ardent darkness. His passions, fueled by decades of loneliness and longing, could no longer be denied. Will they face eternity together or love in secret as dark things are to be loved between the shadows and the soul?

Where can we purchase The Para-Portage of Emily?

You are so kind to ask. Thank you, I would be honored. If readers are interested, they can buy my work at the following retailers or on my website:

Amazon US     All Romance eBooks     Yellow Silk Dreams      Barnes & Noble     Ganxy     XinXii     Kobo     iTunes

Do you have future writing projects you plan to publish?

Yes, so many! I am releasing Moonbeams of Unintended Consequences in May 2015 and Cheerleaders in Heat this summer. My brain explodes with ideas and always when I don’t have a pen or paper handy!

Please share your recent publications.

Released March 2015
The Para-Portage of Emily Buy Link at Amazon

Released September 2014:
Memories & Kisses has three stories of old loves remembered; a grieving woman rescued from the sea, two childhood friends growing old friendship into passionate loving, and two long separated teenagers finding that time has mellowed them both and maturity has brought a passionate intensity they had never imagined. All three stories are of rekindled love that survived decades of longing and is now ready to burst into flame.
What do you think? Is she thinking about memories of love lost? Perhaps the memories made trying to forget a lost love? Even old memories revisited by old friends, united in a kiss that rekindles flames, passions and desire, too. Old memories are like old red wine - all the richer for time passed. And the kisses taste sweeter too. Three romantic and very sexy stories take us back to things as they once were, and forward to the wonderful times to come. Buy Link at Amazon

Released October 2014:
Also featuring Muffy's work in this anthology of of adult Grimm's Fairy Tales, Once Upon a Menage: An Anthology of Fairy Tale Threesomes edited by Rachel Kenley (Ravenous Romance), Muffy has two erotic adaptations, “The Prince, The Mermaid and The Siren” ('The Little Mermaid') and “The Prurient Puss” ('Puss and Boots'). They are sexy, just a little naughty and best of all, they are threesomes!! Buy Link at Amazon

Released Christmas 2014
The Naughty List features six Yellow Silk Dreams authors, including Muffy Wilson plus guest writer Nina Pierce, got together to compile a sparkling ezine in celebration of Christmas. Or any other day of the year you feel you need to dip into a good read. 
Offered here to our followers - sign up for the Yellow Silk Dreams newsletter and start reading immediately. Free Download

Previously Published:

Oysters & Chocolate, Decadent Publishing, Secret Cravings, Ravenous Romance, Yellow Silk Dreams

Monday, May 4, 2015

Fabulous Spring Giveaway May 4-18, 2015

Spring is here and it's time for a big giveaway from Laughing Vixen Lounge. 11 shops have come together to create one amazing Prize Pack ($280+) full of Jewelry, Perfume, Clothing, Vintage and much more! Many of the shops offer items perfect for any book lover along with lots of other unique, handcrafted and custom designs.

The Fabulous Spring Giveaway is open worldwide. 1 winner will win the Prize Pack. You can enter via the Rafflecopter below. Please visit the Laughing Vixen Lounge Blog and the Main Giveaway Post HERE to see the full prize list, participating shops and daily features during the giveaway.

Since Summer is right around the corner the giveaway theme is Vacation Memories. Each of our participating shops, and many of our blog sponsors, will be sharing some of their favorite vacation photos with you.

Given the book theme, I've chosen to share pictures from a trip to Salem, MA I took getting inspiration for my Salem Series novels.
Orbs on Ghost Walk, Old Burying Point Cemetery

We had some fun pics taken in Salem Village
Early Release & Sale – Salem Series
In the Amazon Bestseller, Hidden Salem, while immersed in old legends & residual hauntings in modern day Salem, MA, Makayla encounters the only real witch from 1692, only to find herself threatened by a dark coven practicing necromancy.
In the sequel, Salem’s Revenge, Denise finds her own connection to Witch City, both present day and the witch hunts, to the images of two women in red cloaks in the woods. All this happens while she’s being threatened by a dark coven seeking revenge against her best friend, Makayla.

Giveaway runs May 4th - 18th. Laughing Vixen Lounge is responsible for all giveaway details. See full details HERE.

In accordance with the new FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Kiki Howell of An Author's Musings, would like to advise that in addition to purchasing my own books to review, I also receive books, and/or promotional materials, free of charge in return for an honest review, as do any guest reviewers.